
Rays Protocol: Redefining DeFi Accessibility and Complexity. Read our whitepaper to understand how Rays simplifies DeFi for developers and investors.

The Rays Protocol is engineered as a holistic toolkit for DeFi applications development, focusing on trading and augmenting revenue through off-chain applications. Standing at the forefront of DeFi innovation, Rays addresses the complexities and accessibility challenges inherent in the sector. It offers a transformative framework to convert traditional applications into decentralized ones (dApps).

This whitepaper intricately outlines the Rays Protocol's architecture, functionality, and key elements, encompassing the roles of developers, investors, and administrators, the utilization of RAX tokens, and the integrated security mechanisms. It defines three critical roles within the protocol: Administrator, Investor, and Developer, interlinked via RAX token incentives and a slashing system, as further detailed in the Quorum contract.

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